#467 – no idea what that was

51 thoughts on “#467 – no idea what that was

  1. Ahahaha

    Nice. That made me smile. πŸ˜€

  2. Oh Eve, Facebook? Really?

  3. Alt-Text WIN.

  4. Le facebook – c'est parfait pour "l'esprit de l'escalier".

    Glad that Toronto works for you even when you're fatigued, MG.

  5. It took four days for him to reply to a post on his wall? Laaaame. Also, SECOND POST!

  6. This is why Ning deserves all her suffering…

  7. I love that someone else knows that expression: l'espirit de l'escalier. What re the odds that you learned it in "Death, the high price of living" too?

    1. That's where I learnt it! ^_^ Yay for the Gaiman.

      1. Ha ha XD That makes three of us! Yay indeed!

        1. That does not make four of us, for I learned it in English class

        2. There! Are! Four! Of! Us!

    2. Seeing as she does comics, I would've guessed Peanuts (which also happens to be where I came across it).

  8. action shakespeare

    you are a beautiful person

  9. You know how people say that the eyes are the window to the soul?

    I think you could say the same thing about Marek's beard.

  10. I think Eve just had a case of…

    …wait for it…

    …L'esprit de l'escalier! πŸ˜€

    Sorry, I just get giddy when I notice visual puns. 😐

    1. I'm guessing you didn't check the alt-text, then.

      1. I didn't even know Octopus Pie had alt-text. D:

  11. I enjoy that Marek's facebook profile pic focuses so heavily on his beard

    As it should

  12. Ken Christopher Hill

    I always wondered how to pronounce "snnkt".

  13. A true case of l'esprit de l'escalier!

  14. Drat.
    Ever since that movie, I have an uncontrollable urge to punch something whenever I hear that phrase.

    I just punched the printer.


    1. Does it feel good to be a gangster?

    2. I'm a moron because I need to ask: Which movie?

  15. I have actually done this, come up with responses moments later and then said them, only for the person I was conversing with to have no clue.

  16. The spirit of the staircase strikes!

  17. God dammit.

    Frickin everything is on fb now.

  18. I had to laugh that it took him 5 days to respond

    1. Actually, that's so Marek, if you think of it. Taking things at his own pace ^^

  19. Ah, social networking. The cure for a slow wit.

  20. Okay, I translated the alt text (I assumed it was French due to the completely indecent amount of vowels) and I got…. Spirit of the staircase?

  21. Its a word the french have that we don"t for when you think of a witty reply after the fact.

  22. Another reason why I absolutely love Octopus Pie. Strips like this, man. Also, strangely enough, I think I first heard of l'espirt de l'escalier through Chuck Palahniuk's story 'Guts'. Hurray for visceral horror, I guess.

  23. OH MYGOD Eve's laughter face.

  24. Panel 5: Another adorable Eve face

    So do these characters actually have facebooks, or was the last panel all photoshopped?

    1. It has to be photoshopped 'cause it says "Older Posts" right beneath it but it also has the top bar right there as well. It'd have way more posts before the older posts link if it was real. Very well-done photoshopping though.

      1. I think it's implying that people don't post on Marek's wall very often, including Marek.

  25. Haha, you're right!

  26. oh my gosh, I've caught up to the present. Shoot.

    1. Uh oh XD Watch out for the withdrawal symptoms.

  27. Geez, I had to look that phrase up on Wikipedia. And had to face-palm as I've experienced this thousands of times in my life and never knew there was an expression for it.
    Also, I didn't notice that Marek's response was 5 days delayed.
    I wonder if I'm getting too old to understand web-comics anymore. — Nurse? I need another blanket here.

  28. Made me laugh out loud.

  29. I believe in some circles you can get your ass kicked for that.

  30. Please, make tutorials how to draw!

    I love you art!! o/

  31. Man, Marek's cellphone service is TERRIBLE!

    1. Or he's not addicted to Facebook like Eve.

  32. Love panel 5. The return of the Eve tooth gap! Such a funny facial expression.

  33. Eve's profile picture is too cute. MANUEL!

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