#478 – oh word

Some people have pointed out that croissants need to be proofed for hours before they can be baked, which means it's far too ambitious a pastry to make in one morning. My defense was that these partygoers will be sleeping a long time. But no, I didn't consider the prep time at all. This is why I draw comics about partying and not about going to culinary school - because I am cool.

9 thoughts on “#478 – oh word

  1. Hung over people on the floor won't be able to tell the difference.

  2. It's also very easy to believe that the broaching of his past with Hanna + confronting her with his desire to be her apprentice and get seriously into baking + not wanting to bother a clearly worn out Aimee made Will unable to sleep so he decided to spend the night prepping and perfecting croissants to keep himself occupied.

    1. That is how I read it

  3. Will is still learning. Perhaps he too is not privy to the hours of proofing needed before hand. Rookie mistake!

  4. They would be equally grateful for pancakes 🙂

  5. Clearly, Cody is more of a recreational user.

    (What the heck do I know? I've never touched the stuff myself)

  6. Is it too late to edit this to 'scones'? 😀

  7. I've always loved this turn that Will decides to take <3

  8. He's making pancakes. The croissants are in cans in the fridge.

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