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It is, for the record, very difficult to put song lyrics in a comic. I make a rare exception for The Passenger, and I hope you will too.
As APE grows nearer, I'd like for you all to check out my friend Jason's new webcomic Jaephisch and the Dark Rainbow. It's an eye-popping adventure comic, incredibly unique and colorful. And only one chapter has been published so you can catch up real quick! Jason's a talented artist and a stand-up guy, who was nice enough to share his table with me. So look for us both next weekend in San Francisco!


8 thoughts on “#213 – the passenger”
giant lizard singing iggy pop is just too perfect
Advocatus D.
Skake wings?
Rowen Morland
Snake wings.
Oh i get it..its iggy pop..cuz hes and iguana..hehe..i hope this was intentional..or i think waaay too much 😀
You'd think a hippie shop wouldn't want to massacre innocent rays….I'd love to eat.skate wings though.
Iggy pop. Yay.
la la lala lalalala!
Love me some Iggy Pop.
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and me